Life Coaching

Take Control of Your Life & Start Living It!

Everyone needs a bit of support in life from time to time. There are no instruction manuals or route maps and the 21st Century is a confusing place to live

Life Coaching offers a way to explore your own life and work with a qualified coach to examine and then plan for a more purposeful life, one that fulfils your needs. 

Life Coaching helps you to uncover the answers and actions that will lead you to the goals you want while supporting you to take consistent, meaningful action.

Five Week Programme

Work with me for just five weeks to address some of the fundamental issues we all face in life and to develop an action plan that will help you move forward with purpose and meaning. 

This five week programme has been designed to quickly get you established and familiar with some key principles that will stay with you and guide you for many years to come. 

£250 for five 60 mins remote sessions

Individual Sessions

If you are after something a bit more bespoke or want to continue your journey after the five week programme, I offer individual sessions that will focus on whatever is important to you next. 

These sessions will reflect your needs at the time but will adhere to the key principles of life coaching to ensure you are taking action and are holding yourself to account. 

£60 per 60 mins remote session

If you are interested in working with Spencer on your life goals, please get in touch.